Chiropractic (Joint Manipulation)
In Phoenix, AZ

From the perspective of the joint-by-joint approach theorized by Gray Cook, joint manipulation or joint mobilization refers to a systematic method of assessing and addressing joint mobility and stability imbalances throughout the body. Joint manipulation techniques recognize that the human body is an interconnected kinetic chain, and imbalances or restrictions in one joint can have cascading effects on other joints and overall movement patterns.

The joint-by-joint approach involves evaluating and addressing mobility and stability at each joint by categorizing them as either a “mobility joint” or a “stability joint.” Mobility joints are designed for a greater range of motion, while stability joints are meant to provide more stable foundations for movement.

For example, the ankle and hip are mobility joints in the lower body, while the knee and lumbar spine are stability joints. The shoulder and thoracic spine are mobility joints in the upper body, while the elbow and cervical spine are stability joints.

Joint manipulation therapy aims to identify areas of restriction or excessive mobility by assessing each joint’s mobility and stability requirements and then applying appropriate joint mobilization techniques or stability exercises to restore balance and optimal function. As a result, this manual therapy technique is an ideal way to relieve pain.

How do you mobilize and stabilize these joints?

Joint mobilization techniques may include various physical therapy techniques, such as joint distraction, rhythmic mobilizations, or sustained stretches, to improve joint range of motion and flexibility. On the other hand, stability exercises focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding the stability joints to enhance control and reduce excessive joint translation or rotation.

The joint-by-joint approach emphasizes the importance of concurrently addressing mobility and stability imbalances, as an overemphasis on one aspect without addressing the other can lead to compensatory patterns and potential injury risk.

Gray Cook’s joint-by-joint approach systematically assesses and addresses joint mobility and stability throughout the body to improve overall movement quality, reduce pain and injury risk, and enhance functional performance in various activities and sports.

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How do the Physicians at TriMotus integrate this philosophy into treatment?

Building upon the principles of Gray Cook’s joint-by-joint approach, the practitioners at TriMotus seamlessly integrate this philosophy into their chiropractic adjustments and joint mobilization techniques. By recognizing the intricate relationships between mobility and stability joints throughout the body, our physicians can deliver targeted, comprehensive care that addresses the root causes of imbalances and dysfunction.

Through meticulous assessments and a deep understanding of functional anatomy, our practitioners identify areas of restricted mobility or excessive joint translation, which can contribute to compensation patterns and potential injury risks.  We employ precise chiropractic adjustments and joint mobilization techniques to restore proper joint mechanics and alleviate restrictions in mobility joints, such as the ankles, hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine.

Simultaneously, our physical therapists address stability deficits in the corresponding stability joints, such as the knees, lumbar spine, elbows, and cervical spine. By utilizing targeted exercises and manual therapy techniques, they enhance the muscular support and control around these stable joints, promoting optimal joint congruency and reducing excessive joint pain or rotation.

This holistic approach to pain relief and joint dysfunction, rooted in the joint-by-joint philosophy, ensures that imbalances are not addressed in isolation but rather within the context of the entire kinetic chain. By harmonizing mobility and stability throughout the body, our practitioners at TriMotus empower patients to move with greater physical function, reduced pain, and a lower risk of injury, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life and functional performance.

Candidates for Joint Manipulation Work

A wide range of individuals can be great candidates for the joint-by-joint approach to chiropractic adjustments and joint mobilizations offered at TriMotus. This includes:

Athletes and active individuals seek to optimize their performance, reduce injury risk, and improve movement efficiency. The systematic assessment and treatment of mobility and stability imbalances can significantly enhance their functional capabilities.

Individuals recovering from injuries or dealing with chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, or joint-related issues. By addressing the root causes of imbalances, this approach can facilitate a more comprehensive and lasting recovery.

Patients with postural imbalances, compensatory movement patterns, or musculoskeletal conditions like scoliosis or hypermobility syndromes. The joint-by-joint philosophy can help restore proper alignment and joint mechanics, alleviating strain and improving overall function.

Aging individuals or those with degenerative joint conditions can benefit from targeted joint mobilizations and stability exercises, helping to maintain mobility, reduce pain, and improve quality of life.

Anyone looking to improve their overall movement quality, body mechanics, and functional abilities in daily activities or specific sports can greatly benefit from the comprehensive assessments and tailored treatment plans offered through this approach.

The Joint-by-Joint Approach

The joint-by-joint approach is used in exercise programming, rehabilitation, athletic performance, and functional movement screening. Though initially created as a chiropractic model, TriMotus utilizes the comprehensive approach in all its care to enhance movement efficiency, lower injury risks, and improve overall health and performance.

What is chiropractic medicine used for?

Chiropractic medicine encompasses a wide range of healthcare practices. Doctors of Chiropractic, or chiropractors, focus on both the internal and physical aspects of their patients health. The term chiropractic comes from Greek and Latin roots: chiro meaning hand, and practic, meaning practice—essentially, hand practice. Chiropractors primarily use their hands to perform manual manipulations, also known as adjustments, to joints that have limited mobility or range of motion. These manual adjustments are crucial because restricted joint movement can impair the brains ability to effectively monitor and utilize the muscles surrounding the joint. By restoring movement and function through targeted manipulations, chiropractors help ensure optimal communication between the brain and the body. Modern chiropractic care goes beyond joint adjustments. Evidence-based techniques now combine joint manipulations with other rehabilitative strategies, such as exercises to strengthen and stabilize areas of pain or weakness. This comprehensive approach integrates various physical medicine modalities to address pain and dysfunction more holistically, making chiropractic care a vital component of integrative health practices today.

What happens when a chiropractor cracks your back?

The crack or popping sound heard during a chiropractic adjustment is commonly misunderstood. This noise, known as cavitation, occurs when a gas bubble forms and collapses within the synovial fluid of a joint. Here’s what happens in more scientific terms: The Science Behind the Crack 1. Synovial Joints and Synovial Fluid: Most of the joints adjusted by chiropractors are synovial joints, which are surrounded by a capsule filled with synovial fluid. This fluid acts as a lubricant, reducing friction and providing nutrients to the joint tissues. 2. Joint Cavitation: When a chiropractor applies a quick, controlled force to a joint—a process called an adjustment or manipulation—the joint space rapidly increases. This sudden expansion creates a drop in pressure within the synovial fluid. 3. Gas Release and Formation of Bubbles: The rapid drop in pressure allows dissolved gases (mainly nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen) in the synovial fluid to come out of solution, forming tiny bubbles. 4. Bubble Collapse (Cavitation): The characteristic crack sound occurs when these bubbles collapse or pop. This is a rapid process that creates the audible sound. 5. Temporary Refractory Period: After a joint cavitates, there is a refractory period during which the same joint cannot produce the same sound again immediately. This period usually lasts around 15-30 minutes, as it takes time for gases to dissolve back into the synovial fluid. Myths and Misconceptions
• No Bones Cracking or Breaking: The sound is not due to bones cracking or breaking; it is simply gas bubbles collapsing in the joint fluid.
• Not Always an Indicator of Success: The sound itself is not necessarily an indicator of a successful adjustment or therapeutic benefit. Some effective adjustments do not produce a sound at all. Potential Benefits of the Adjustment While the crack is a byproduct of the adjustment, the actual therapeutic benefits of chiropractic care come from restoring joint mobility, reducing pain, and improving function. Adjustments can help reset neural pathways and promote better brain-body communication, improve range of motion, reduce muscle tension, and enhance overall musculoskeletal health. It’s important to note that while the cracking sound is often associated with joint manipulations, it is the improved joint mechanics and neurological responses that are the primary goals of chiropractic care.

Is there science behind chiropractic medicine?

Chiropractic medicine is a healthcare discipline that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, under the belief that these disorders affect general health via the nervous system. The scientific foundation of chiropractic medicine is built on several principles and involves a combination of manual therapy, biomechanics, neurology, and evidence-based practice. Key Scientific Principles Behind Chiropractic Medicine 1. Biomechanics and Spinal Health: o The spine is central to chiropractic care because it houses and protects the spinal cord, which is part of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS controls and coordinates all bodily functions and communicates with the rest of the body through spinal nerves. o Chiropractors focus on vertebral joint restrictions or joint dysfunctions—misalignments or abnormal movements of the vertebrae that are believed to interfere with normal nerve function. The goal is to correct these dysfunctions to improve joint mechanics, reduce pain, and enhance overall function. 2. Manual Therapy and Spinal Manipulation: o Spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments are a core component of chiropractic treatment. This involves the application of a controlled manipulation to a spinal joint. The manipulation aims to restore joint mobility by manually applying force to joints that have become hypomobile due to tissue injury. o Mechanisms of Action: Mechanical Effects: Restoring joint alignment and movement may help reduce pressure on nerves, alleviate pain, and improve joint function. Neurological Effects: Manipulation may influence the nervous system by activating sensory receptors in the joints and muscles, thereby reducing pain perception, improving reflex pathways, and normalizing muscle tone. Biochemical Effects: Some studies suggest that chiropractic adjustments may affect the release of certain neuropeptides and inflammatory mediators, potentially helping in pain reduction and inflammation control. 3. Neuroplasticity and Sensorimotor Integration: o Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can influence neuroplasticity, which is the brains ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. Improved joint mobility may lead to better proprioceptive feedback (the sense of body position and movement) to the brain, enhancing motor control and coordination. o Adjustments may also affect sensorimotor integration by modulating input to the brain and central nervous system, potentially helping with conditions like headaches, neck pain, and even some forms of vertigo. 4. Pain Modulation: o Gate Control Theory: This theory suggests that pain signals can be modulated at the level of the spinal cord. By stimulating mechanoreceptors through spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustments may close the gate to pain signals, reducing pain perception. o Endogenous Pain Inhibition: Chiropractic care may activate the bodys natural pain relief systems, such as the release of endorphins and other endogenous opioids, which help reduce pain sensation. 5. Rehabilitative and Preventative Care: o Chiropractors often incorporate rehabilitative exercises, stretching, and lifestyle counseling to complement manual therapy. These interventions aim to strengthen and stabilize the affected areas, reduce recurrence of pain, and prevent future injuries. o Evidence supports the use of these comprehensive approaches in managing conditions like low back pain, neck pain, certain types of headaches, and some musculoskeletal disorders.

Who should not go to a chiropractor?

One who is hesitant about discovering the root cause of their dysfunction and achieving pain relief naturally without drugs or surgery. Its important to know that not all chiropractors are the same. You should seek out chiropractors who integrate rehabilitative techniques and utilize the full spectrum of physical medicine. Chiropractic care is just one part of the whole approach to healing.

Can chiropractic treatment help neck and shoulder pain?

Chiropractic care can be effective for addressing neck and shoulder pain, but its crucial to find a practitioner who can apply the full spectrum of physical medicine. Neck and shoulder issues often stem from hypermobility, or excessive movement, making it essential to work with a physician skilled in both diagnosis and treatment. Using stabilization and rehabilitative techniques is key to long-term success. While chiropractic adjustments may alleviate pain, to fully resolve pain and dysfunction, a comprehensive approach that incorporates the full spectrum of care is necessary.

38% Functional

27% Physical

35% Mindset

Dr. Cameron Khavari

Dr. Cameron Khavari , DC, MUAC

Owner / Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Physician

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The Joint-by-Joint Approach

The joint-by-joint approach is used in exercise programming, rehabilitation, athletic performance, and functional movement screening. Though initially created as a chiropractic model, TriMotus utilizes the comprehensive approach in all its care to enhance movement efficiency, lower injury risks, and improve overall health and performance.

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Whether you’re an athlete striving for peak athleticism or an individual seeking to excel in daily activities, TriMotus can unlock your full potential. Our holistic approach integrates cutting-edge techniques, personalized training programs, and proactive wellness solutions to help you reach new heights.

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Patient Reviews

Robert Hedeen is the most caring and knowledgeable chiropractor. Paperwork and scheduling was very easy. He provided education and exercises to do at home, so I continued to get better between visits as well.

ONE OF THE BEST IN THE VALLEY! I’ve been coming here for almost a month, and am already moving and feeling better than I have in years. After several other doctors and naturopaths failed to help me, I was referred here and couldn’t be happier with the level of knowledge and professionalism I’ve received.

Dr. Cam is amazing at his work/practice. He was highly referred by a trusted friend who I told did not do him justice. He is the best practitioner in the rehab chiro business I have had work on me.

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